Hearing Problems: Symptoms and Treatment

Hearing loss is perhaps among the unluckiest health problems all across the world, especially among elderly people. Studies show that 50% of old people in the United States have problems related to hearing, mostly complete or partial hearing loss. Basically, the following three cases of hearing loss are the most common in all populations:

  1. Hearing loss due to damaged middle or outer ear
  2. Hearing loss due to the damaged inner ear
  3. Hearing loss due to mixed damage to the inner and outer ear

These three types are generally referred to as conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss. The most common type of hearing loss is due to aging, commonly referred to as presbycusis. A hearing problem can also be caused by excessive earwax, noises, or head injury. 

Symptoms of Hearing Problems

The following symptoms should be noticed in people with hearing difficulties, regardless of their age. 

  • Muffled sounds and speech
  • Inability to understand both simple and complex words, especially in settings that are crowded. 
  • Difficulty hearing consonants
  • Asking people to speak loudly, slowly, or more clearly
  • Listening to television or radio at a very loud volume
  • Not wanting to involve in conversation or withdrawing from them
  • Social avoidance


Most hearing problems are either completely or partially irreversible. However, there still are incredibly great treatments available that can help one reduce the intensity of the problems to a large degree. Hearing difficulties can affect various domains of life and need immediate and serious attention from patients, caregivers, and audiologists. Undergoing auditory tests like Audiologie Centre-Ouest test auditif is an absolutely important stage of treatment. 

Generally, audiologists follow the following three steps or stages:

  • Prevention

The first thing health practitioners emphasize is to prevent health problems before they have a chance to occur. In order to do so, they suggest people several precautionary measures. They teach people about risky behaviors, how to know them, and how to avoid them. Additionally, they also teach them positive ways. For example, they teach people to avoid excessively loud music and to clean their ears regularly. 

  • Assessment 

The assessment phase starts only after someone reports either of the symptoms described above. If people have difficulty hearing, they undergo several tests that measure what kind of problems they are facing, the intensity of the issue, and the ways in which they can be treated. 

  • Protection

At this stage, audiologists install certain hearing devices in patients’ ears in order to help them recover from the hearing problems or at least decrease their intensity. 


Hearing problems are very severe, damaging, and common, mostly among the elderly. They should be properly prevented, assessed, and protected. Hearing difficulties affect almost every domain of people’s lives.