When Should You Consult an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon?

The middle face’s “maxilla” bone, which molds the upper jaw, is very important. The phrase “maxillofacial” is a rather broad notion, but it is clear that it relates to the jawbones and the face and that it has something to do with the face. 

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a specialization that merges the fields of dentistry and medicine. It involves treatments for conditions and injuries affecting the head and neck. Make sure to contact the New Bern dental office

This procedure gave rise to the need to manage the intricacy of facial injuries, particularly broken jaws. It includes a wide range of pathological conditions, including skeletal anomalies, congenital deformities, diseases of the salivary glands, neck and head malignancies, and bone grafting.

Optimal Maxillofacial Surgery

Having a lot of pain that makes eating uncomfortable? Fearful about going to the doctor? Waiting worsens your situation. Because this pain in your mouth can be both discomfort and an oral problem, you should see a dentist as soon as possible. 

Even while sleeping, chewing is uncomfortable when there is facial pain. If you visit a dentist, they may prescribe non-surgical pain relief measures to you, but if the pain persists, surgery—preferably oral and maxillofacial surgery—is required.

You might need to speak with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon if you have a condition.

What causes facial or mouth pain?

  • The side of the face where the discomfort typically occurs can be affected by sinus infections, which can result in headaches from sinus pressure.
  • The other causes include dental issues, face cellulitis, or injury-related damage.
  • In the jaw, a cyst or tumor is formed. 

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is the only option for treating such problems. Oral and maxillofacial surgery may focus on facial cosmetic surgery, facial trauma surgery, mouth surgery, head and neck surgery, and plastic surgery of the face.


  • a facial ache
  • the jaws being out of alignment
  • wisdom teeth problems
  • following an injury, reconstructive surgery
  • cancer of the face, jaws, and neck
  • uneven lip
  • dental surgery
  • obstructive snoring
  • aberrant bite patterns
  • challenging tooth extractions
  • You must take action to lead a better life and get this operation done as soon as feasible in order to deal with these problems. 

Is Maxillofacial Surgery Beneficial?

Maxillofacial surgery can be used to diagnose and treat injuries to the neck, face, jaws, head, and hard and soft oral tissues.

During maxillofacial surgery:

  • Correct the anomaly.
  • Calm the ache
  • Please go back to your regular routine.